Become a Coding PRO in just a few short weeks with this Python course !!
On this course, you will be exploring programming in Python. Guided by Sage Camp, you will learn to code your first program. \nYou'll discover basic programming concepts, learning how to understand the basics of Python syntax and many more. We provide students with live streaming lectures with the ability to ask questions 1-1 and interact with our expert teachers.
- Introduction To Python
- Environment Setup
- Basic Syntax
- Basic Variables
- Type Casting
- String Manipulation
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuple
- Set
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions
- Input from User
- Analytical approach towards the problem
Python 101: An Introduction to Python
SKU: 2019
PriceFrom $18.00
Price Options
1 hour/week
$18.00every week until canceled
1.5 hours/week
$27.00every week until canceled
2 hours/week
$30.00every week until canceled